Wednesday, December 7, 2016

My Eva

Oh my little girl. She's still my little baby but every day she acts s little bit more like a big girl. Last week out of the blue she asked me for something ( probably a bottle ) and called me mom. Not momma or mommy like she does 500 times a day. Just mom. And it stopped me dead in my tracks.  Maybe it's just me, but I feel like this is the first step in my losing my baby.  I want to savor this time as long as I can. She has recently started getting a little jealous of Lucy so she does end up in my lap a little more often to get her mommy fix. And I don't mind 😉.  The other day Andres and I were sitting on the floor calling Lucy to take steps between us. Eva ran in between us, stepped in front of Lucy to show us that she can take steps and walk too. She had a huge grin waiting to see my excitement for her steps. I never want her to feel jealous or left out.  I will make a million mistakes as a parent, but it's always encouraging to know that every day, every moment is a chance to do your best and just love them. My baby is and will always be my baby, no matter how big she gets. I hope she always knows that and how much I love her. 

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