Saturday, January 14, 2017

Toddler Tales

The girls are getting better at playing together lately.  They don't really fight yet so they are so cute to watch how they interact together.  Lucy gets such  kick out of grabbing Eva's hair or just pulling her down. Eva just yells "MOOOOOM, BAAAABY" and I run over and unclench Lucy's grasp.
Lucy loves any toy that Eva is playing with, so as soon as she sees Eva playing with something, she peers over to see what she has and immediately wants it.  Eva absolutely loves books, and Lucy loves to rip pages out of her books.  It's a good thing Eva is so easy going with Lucy or it would be cat fights all day.  I can already tell we're going to have trouble with Lucy.  If you take something away from her or turn her away from where she wants to be he screams and throws herself back into a full-blown tantrum.  God help us when she hits the terrible twos.
Lucy still doesn't sleep through the night so I'm stopping breastfeeding.  She doesn't really nurse during the day anyway, and she mainly uses me to pacify herself ALL night long.  I can only hope this helps because I am at my wits end without ant sleep.  I mean, come on, she is 14 months.  I need sleep.

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